
Misuse of contraceptives widespread

Misuse of contraceptives widespread

Poor use of contraception is to blame for a significant proportion of unplanned pregnancies, half of which end in abortion, according to a French study.

Scientists eager to determine why abortions remain a frequent occurrence, despite widespread use of medical contraception, surveyed over 2,800 randomly-selected women.

Dr. Nathalie Bajos and colleagues at the Hospital de Bicetre, in Paris, discovered a massive 33% of pregnancies are unplanned, and two-thirds of these occurred among women using contraception.

These accidental conceptions were explained by misuse of the chosen methods of contraception, for example 60% of those on the Pill had become pregnant after forgetting to take a tablet.

But many women did not know why they had become pregnant despite using protection.

The researchers suggest their findings reveal inappropriate choices of contraceptive methods, and suggest improved training for family planning providers would help women avoid unwanted pregnancies and the trauma of abortions.