The Week in Westminster: November 26 – November 30
By Alex GangitanoFollow @alexgangitano
This week there will be more on the scandals within the BBC for select committees and new bills reach the late stages of going through parliament.
Oral Questions- Defence, including Topical Questions
Statement- EU Council – Mr David Cameron
Legislation- Small Charitable Donations Bill – Report stage
Legislation- Small Charitable Donations Bill – Third reading
Adjournment- Access to sanitation

Oral Questions- Health, including Topical Questions
Ten Minute Rule Motion- Credit card debt limit
Legislation- European Union (Croation Accession and Irish Protocol) Bill
Motion- To approve a ways and means resolution relating to the Growth and Infrastructure Bill
Adjournment- Warrington and the Atlantic gateway proposals
Business- Private Members' business does not have precedence on this day
Legislation- Representation of the People (Members' Job Share) Bill
Oral Questions- Wales
Ten Minute Rule Motion- Consolidation of Housing Regulations
Debate- Opposition day [11th allotted day]
Adjournment- Unsustainable provider regime and special administration in the NHS
Oral Questions- Transport, including Topical Questions; Leader of the House and House of Commons Commission
Business Statement- Leader of the House
Statement- Leveson Inquiry
Backbench Business- (i) Scotland and the Union (ii) 40th Anniversary of the expulsion of Ugandan Asians
Adjournment- Central Bedfordshire College
Legislation- Mental Health (Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill
Legislation- Prisons (Property) Bill
Legislation- Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill
Legislation- Presumption of Death Bill
Legislation- Ports Act 1991 (Amendment) Bill
Legislation- Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill
Legislation- Recall of Elected Representatives Bill
Legislation- Careers Advice in Schools for 12-16 Year Olds Bill
Legislation- Cosmetic Surgery (Minimum Standards) Bill
Legislation- Public Debt Management Bill
Legislation- General Anti Tax-Avoidance Principle Bill
Adjournment- Prohibition of liquid nitrogen drinks
Oral Questions- Government instructions to ATOS regarding its employment of outside personnel to carry out medical assessments
Oral Questions- Raising the status and quality of vocational education
Oral Questions- Funding for apprenticeships for young people with special educational needs
Oral Questions- Discussions with German government regarding the future role of the UK in the EU
Legislation- Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Bill
Legislation- Financial Services Bill
Oral Questions- BBC World Service budget reduction this financial year and plans for funding the World Service in the future
Oral Questions- Steps to enable the Welsh Government to have greater tax varying and borrowing powers
Oral Questions- Plans to enable people to receive legal advice for social welfare law problems after 1 April 2013
Legislation- Crime and Courts Bill [HL]
Short Debate- Access to good advice for people with small pension funds
Oral Questions- 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration and the welfare of Israelis and Palestinians
Oral Questions- Local authority control over the digging up of streets
Oral Questions- EU membership of the remainder of the UK should Scotland secede
Legislation- Justice and Security Bill [HL]
Legislation- Financial Services Bill
Oral Questions- Standards of care for people living with HIV published by the British HIV Association
Oral Questions- Establishing social care apprenticeships
Oral Questions- Contribution of nuclear generation to a balanced energy policy
Debate- Impact of changes in local authority budgets on the provision of social care and its integration with other health, housing and care services
Debate- Management of diabetic services in the NHS
Debate- Prevention of violence against women
Legislation- Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Bill
Legislation- Disabled Persons' Parking Badges Bill
Legislation- Scrap Metal Dealers Bill
10:00- Treasury on: Bank of England Quarterly Inflation Report, November 2012
10:30- Culture, Media and Sport on: The BBC's response to the Jimmy Savile case