The Political Week on Twitter: September 3rd – 7th
The reshuffle caused outrage on the Twittersphere with Hunt moved to health, Laws brought back from the doghouse and into education and Grayling into justice.
Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK Mr Clegg on the phone. He says he wasn't involved in the cabinetreshuffle but Mr Cameron's letting him clear out the shed this morning.
Mark Hurst @HurstAKA Using my ipod 'reshuffle' today. It selects the most entirely inappropriate song for each situation.
Prince Charles @Charles_HRH One rather thinks the Cabinet #reshuffle is a lot like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. Absolutely pointless.

Parody Account @GenericParody If today's reshuffle upset you, just imagine David Cameron winding down with a bottle of wine that cost more than your car. See? All better.
David Cameroon @davecameroon I must say chaps, I'm awfully proud of how my cabinet reshuffle's turning out so far!
Mr Roger Quimbly @RogerQuimbly That was less of a reshuffle and more a game of Pass The Arsehole.
Michael Moran @TheMichaelMoran This reshuffle's a brilliant idea. If only Captain Smith had made all his officers swap hats perhaps the Titanic could have been saved.
And of course the new health minister was first in the firing line…
Chris Ward @christopherward In other completely unrelated news, Murdoch has started up a new health care company. #reshuffle
Steve Death @Its_Death I've been made Health Minister in the reshuffle. This is awkward.
Frankie Boyle @frankieboyle Seems strange that Jeremy Hunt is getting a hard time for believing in homeopathy. The Education Secretary believes in God.
Guy Walters @guywalters Presumably, as a believer in homeopathy, Jeremy Hunt will try to cure the NHS with a new budget of 0.000000000001p. #reshuffle
Marcus Chown @marcuschown "Hail Jeremy Hunt, the new minister for magic"
Deborah Orr @DeborahJaneOrr Now #Hunt has unlimited access to EVERYBODY'S back channels.
And in PMQs, Cameron caused a stir after quibbling over the Lead of the Opposition's masculinity…
Mark Ferguson @Markfergusonuk My PMQs verdict >> That's butch Dave, you show them how butch you are Dave. Butchy Butch Butch.
Tom Chivers @TomChivers What Britain needs is a really butch leader of the opposition, a roaringly camp Father of the House, and a muscle Mary as Defence Sec #pmqs
Paul Bernal @PaulbernalUK "…rarely has [PMQs] sounded so much like an internal squabble among the Village People." Good stuff!
Tom Harris @TomHarrisMP Downing St: Dave will prove he's more "butch" than Ed by growing a Freddie Mercury moustache and wearing a sleeveless T-shirt to nextPMQs
Ewan Crawford @ewansc pmqs in full: men chanting; you're not butch; you've got a beamer; you were booed; you're rubbish; no you are.