The Political Week on Twitter: August 27th – 31st
The week kicked off with Tory MP Nadine Dorries penning a not-too-flattering article on her outgoing colleague Louise Mensch who as well as being "void of principle", had also let down the sisterhood in Westminster. Mensch did what she always does and got straight onto Twitter with: "Waking up to find self on the Nadine Dorries naughty step, which is a pity as I spend my entire life worrying about what she thinks (ahem)." But it seems the Twitterati were highly unsympathetic to the pair of them…
David Davidson @DDofShiplake RT @frazdav: Im inclined to agree with both Louis Mensch and Nadine Dorries that the other is a total twat
Citizen K @WoolfieSmith "Louise #Mensch's Commons career ends with arcane ritual." Yes, she finally put on that pointy black hat & turned #Dorries back into a toad.
Pabs @arbolioto NADINE DORRIES vs LOUISE MENSCH. Promoters have hired Olympic boxing arena for ultimate match dubbed 'The Battle for Jurassic Supremacy',

Anwen Bullen @butterflymindE Apparently Nadine Dorries and Louise Mensch are having an argument about ‘letting down women‘ #deathofirony #ihopetheybothlose
Dave @DaiHappy_ Nadine Dorries & Louise Mensch are having a spat about morals. Like Hitler & Pol Pot arguing over who had the best human rights record.
Dean Thomas @deanthomastunes RT @MockTheLeft: Perhaps Dorries and Mensch could settle their score with a mud wrestling match? I'll bring the beer
And the "crown jewels" were still getting plenty of airtime as Twitter discussed The Sun's photos and the royal reception back home…
Jennifaaa @MissIrishTurk How has my Irish Nan Peggy kept the naked photos of Prince Harry behind the sofa? #bloodfire
Memo @Miss_Memo111 RT @karlminns: Prince Harry's a single man and a squaddie. When it said 'shocking photos', I imagined him in a vegan cafe reading Satre ..
Michele Connors @Fastball94 RT @piersmorgan: I'm shocked and disgusted by the Prince Harry party photos in Vegas. Why the hell wasn't I invited????
Mick O'Dwyer @Micko_Dwyer Prince Harry's father is said to have laughed off the naked photos, saying boys will be boys. However Prince Charles is said to be livid.
News5 AKSYON @News5AKSYON Leaked nude photos of Prince Harry were just the tip of the iceberg,that “something gigantic” had yet to be revealed. VIA foxnews
Neal Mayhem @MinutesofMayhem Curiosity's transmitted some photos from Mars. If you want to see some pictures of OTHER red stones, just Google "Prince Harry nude".
Charmeleon @musicisascience "I'm convinced that these photos are Prince Harry's way of stimulating the American economy. He's helping us out any way he can." – Mom
Another opening ceremony Tory gaffe created a storm of criticism when Edwina Currie wrote: ""Italians are gorgeous even in wheelchairs. Love 'em". Not only were comparisons drawn with Aidan Burley, but Currie's ex-lover John Major was dragged out the woodwork…
@woodo79Woodo BREAKING: @AidanBurleyMP wipes sweat from his brow in relief as @Edwina_Currie picks up the "Tory Dipshit" torch for the Paralympics.
@welsh_gas_doc Dave Jones Looks like @Edwina_Currie missed the memo from Conservative HQ about posting on Twitter tonight.
@christopherward Chris Ward So @Edwina_Currie has just experienced her second ever Major cock-up. #Paralympics
@geoffwetblanket Geoff Wet Blanket Now imagining Edwina Currie & John Major enjoying Italian wheelchair porn together.
@simonblackwell Simon Blackwell Giving Edwina Currie Twitter is like giving a drunk toddler a crossbow.
Christian DeFeo @doctorcdf @Linda_Marric It is Edwina Currie we're talking about. Expecting something sensible from her is too much. Agreed, next.