The Political Week on Twitter: August 13th – 17th
The week began with a magnificent showing of the UK's worst pop acts but quickly degenerated into speculation over whether the SAS would storm the Ecuadorian embassy to grab Julian Assange, while our political leaders soaked up the sun in the Med. Here's our highlights of what the Twitterati had to say about it all.
The Olympic Games closing ceremony
Derek Blasberg @DerekBlasberg Love that Jessie J, but was she confused? Did she think it was the winter Olympics and had to wear figure skating costumes?#ClosingCeremony
cyriak harris @cyriakharris That Olympic closing ceremony was like the end of a bad party where the drunk host starts going through their terrible cd collection

Louise Mensch @LouiseMensch RT @politicshomeuk: Boris on his dancing: "It’s instinctive, it’s just one of those things that you have, its deeply embedded genetically."
Harry Potter™ @ThatBravePotter I still think Quidditch would have made the #Olympics better…#closingceremony
Greg Mulholland MP @GregMulholland1 Why is Jessie J dressed as a vajazzle?
kenzie ? @NiallatorsBabe suicide note: niall pointing at me during the closing ceremony.
Sean Grande @SeanGrandePBP Already looking forward to the Closing Ceremony in Rio in 2016 and the three hour tribute to the bikini wax.
The Assange debacle
Kenneth Okwaroh @Okwaroh The most hilarious of them all: Smuggle out #Assange to Ecuador placed in a crate or bag that has diplomatic protection
David Allen Green @DavidAllenGreen New #Assange bullshit bingo: "not be rape under English law" "easier for US to extradite" "faces secret trial", now "embassy to be stormed"
suzanne moore @suzanne_moore Assange apologists block me before I block you. Rally support for your monumental git "hero" and leave me alone. No means no.
Matthew Champion @matthewchampion apparently several taxi firms have fallen for the *hilarious* gag of picking up Julian Assange from Ecuador's embassy
rowan davies @rowandavies What if – WHAT IF, RIGHT – he got from the embassy to the airport without touching the ground? Using zipwires and suchlike? #assange
Mic Wright @brokenbottleboy NBC Commentator: “That is not actually Batman but a British folk hero known as Del Boy. Sort of like Robin Hood…” #closingceremony
While the cat's away…
Jamie Smith @JamieSmiff20h Hang on a minute. Cameron and Clegg are both on holiday? WHO THE HELL IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?! BORIS?!!?!?
Merryfields Farm @MerryfieldsFarm21hRT @adrianshort: Worth noting that with Cameron and Clegg on holiday, foreign secretary Hague is "running" the country.#assange
Ben Griffiths @beng1d @jodrell looks like while Cameron and Clegg are on holiday, Hague's about to invade ecuador.
Craig Scott @Mad_Dog_Column29m PM David Cameron & Clegg, both holidaying in Spain, & people get embarrassed & call it their "second, cheap ´n´ cheerful holiday." GET REAL!
DMc @_dm01h Cameron on holiday. William Hague in charge this week, Teresa May next. Why not Nick Clegg? Tired after productive successful year? #libdems