The Political Week on Twitter: July 9th-14th
Compiled by Cassie Chambers
With the Olympics drawing closer, Westminster has clearly caught the competitive bug. This week saw multiple manifestations of this fighting spirit, including PMQ standoffs, intra-party brawls, and one very bizarre shouting session.
The first competition that popped onto our Twitter radar was the final round of a weekly battle: David Cameron v Ed Milliband in PMQs. This week's session saw the two sides hurl insults, lose tempers, and generally behave like secondary school students. So who came out on top of this very mature, ministerial debate?
Today Toynbee describes Ed Miliband as 'cool, assured… the undisputed master of the scene'. Has she confused #pmqs with the new Batman?
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— Tom King (@KingOfTwickers) July 13, 2012
Tory Party HQ tells us "Complete annihilation of @Ed_Miliband" by Cameron at #pmqs.Also Murray wins Wimbledon and England are Euro Champs.
— Peter Smith (@Redpeter99) July 11, 2012
In #PMQs Chamber is buzzing. Haven't seen the Tories so excited since they were in the process of removing Mrs Thatcher.
— Diane Abbott MP (@HackneyAbbott) July 11, 2012
#PMqs on holiday by sept cmaeron and miliband both have promised to come up with fresh jokes
— Live On The Clyde (@liveontheclyde) July 13, 2012
To think all those MPs who repeatedly behave so appallingly in #PMQS are wanting to reform the Lords
— Janet Hopper (@MustBeTheJanay) July 12, 2012
A ropey performance at #pmqs, a backbench rebellion and now Tony Blair back on the beat. That's Cameron's summer ruined, then.
— Ian Jones (@msnnews_ian) July 12, 2012
#pmqs another fine eg of good behaviour & respect in political debate yesterday!!! they should be sent to their room with no tea! @UCBMedia
— Paul Hammond (@paulhammonducb) July 12, 2012
#PMQs yesterday – remind us why we are paying for this #playgroundbehaviour
— KAAL Group (@KaalGroup) July 12, 2012
We're declaring this fight a draw.
But with PMQs out for the summer, what will we do for a tie-breaker? We suggest our personal favourite dispute-settling technique: mud wrestling. (Might be a nice change from their usual mud-slinging?)
Although the Cameron-Miliband competition was supposed to be the main event at the final PMQs, the limelight was stolen by an unlikely side-show: Anne Marie Morris. Although who she was fighting and/or why wasn't exactly clear, we're going to use the honourable lady's wild gesticulations and indignant howl as conclusive evidence she was victorious. With attack moves like that, how could she not be?
@RobGirvan Anne Marie Morris appears to have been bitten on the arm by a radioactive crazy person
— Leandra Godbey (@LeandraGodbey35) July 12, 2012
Was that a conscious effort to make Cameron look well-composed by comparison, from Anne Marie Morris? #PMQs
— Political Scrapbook (@PSbook) July 11, 2012
OMG is this Anne Marie Morris MP for real? Too much caffeine?
— Isabel Oakeshott (@IsabelOakeshott) July 11, 2012
Cameron should have sent Anne Marie Morris to scold Jesse Norman last night. He would have fled to Peru. #PMQs
— Isabel Hardman (@IsabelHardman) July 11, 2012
Anne Marie Morris should be the new host of the Radio 1 breakfast show. That would get you out of bed #PMQs
— Matt Chorley (@MattChorley) July 11, 2012
Jesus what's Anne Marie Morris taking?
— Matthew Goodwin (@GoodwinMJ) July 11, 2012
@charlielindlar Anne Marie Morris surely had a couple too many painkillers, right? That was madness.
— Suzette Matto (@SuzetteMattoLUP) July 12, 2012
If Anne Marie Morris MP tweets, I bet it's ALL IN CAPITALS!
— Fiona James (@dalekwidow) July 12, 2012
Slinging Into Action: Anne Marie Morris — that injured arm is going to come out better than ever now.
— Angel Desuasido (@AngelDesuasido) July 12, 2012
We're definitely putting our money on Morris in future fights. We're also writing a letter to the British Olympics committee recommending she be put on the UK's Greco-Roman wrestling team (yes, that is a real sport).
But perhaps the most surprising fight to break out this week was between Cameron and his own party. Clearly, the competitive atmosphere has got a little out of hand in parliament, as parties are now brawling amongst themselves. As if there weren't enough Tory-Labour disputes to go around.
Via @MagsNews: On political scene & coalition; 'Rebellion like adultery; it's a big thing the 1st time but gets easier'
— corn flake (@cornflake57) July 12, 2012
Jesse Norman says Lords Reform is a distraction from "howling economic gale" but actually his rebellion quite time consuming too.
— Huw Green (@Huwtube) July 11, 2012
Strangely, moving the UK another step away from feudalism turns out to be a bit of a struggle. #lords
— Andrew Curry (@nextwavefutures) July 10, 2012
Never mind the #Lords. Reform the #Commons first. That's where the rogues are.
— Bozwit Flemm (@Bozwit) July 13, 2012
This Coalition will happily destroy public services & impose austerity/recession but threaten war over Lords reform ?…
— @LegoDogPol (@PoliceDogSec) July 7, 2012
Ahh good the BBC is back, that must mean #cameron hasn't caused WWIII with the panic over Tory Rebellion on #lordsreform
— Simon Draper (@simondraper) July 11, 2012
#Cameron says last night's back bench rebellion on Lords reform "shows real progress".The guy is an idiot.
— daren (@Mon_Quixote) July 11, 2012
#lords Forget Haye v Chisora. This is the moment 'Dancing' Dave Cameron went toe to toe with Jesse 'No Mercy' Norman:…
— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) July 11, 2012
So Cameron sanctioned the Tory 'rebellion'…how do you feel Nick? Was it worth doing what you've done to the NHS?
— Jamie Reed (@jreedmp) July 10, 2012
Seems Cameron gave tacit approval for the Tory rebellion. Message to Lib Dems – you've just been shafted.
— Nick Button (@nick_button1) July 10, 2012
It appears that Cameron was able to win this fight by just a hair on his rapidly balding head. He may not be so lucky with Lords Reform next time round—maybe it's time to invest in some Rogaine just to be safe?
The final competition we're covering this week is the ongoing battle between bankers and politicians. And bankers and the public. And bankers and pretty much everyone.
your money is way more safe in the mattress. #banks #devils
— docmckinney (@docmckinney) July 12, 2012
I wish a really hot shirtless guy would explain #LIBOR to me.
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) July 8, 2012
Dear Bankers: Until you start behaving like grown-ups, you can't play with all the world's wealth w/out supervision. #Libor #jpmorgan #ows
— Expendable Class (@TheXclass) July 13, 2012
RT @EconBizFin: "With traders, if you don’t actually nail it down, they’ll steal it.” #LIBOR
— Richard Fleming (@r_fleming) July 13, 2012
When a person robs a bank they go to prison but when a banker robs the people they get a bonus.#Libor
— Dessie (@bannblue) July 13, 2012
Richard Eskow: If Bankers Took Steroids Or Made Knockoff Handbags, They'd Clean Up Wall Street Tomorrow #LIBOR #bankers
— Starseed (@Starseed52) July 13, 2012
Cameron calls for transparency in the libor fiasco.The only thing that is transparent is him for people can see right through him.#Libor
— Dessie (@bannblue) July 13, 2012
Hey …. if I revoke your banking license in the woods, does *ANYONE* ….. really owe you *ANY* money? Really? :PPPP~ #LIeBORgate
— Themetris—Δημ?τρης (@themosmitsos) July 13, 2012
When it comes to interest rates the word "fixed" now has a whole new meaning! 🙂 #Libor #Lieborgate
— Babis Gakis (@BabisGakis) July 13, 2012
Maybe it's time to jump inside your safe, Barclays employees – this might be one fight you don't want any part of. Make sure to take plenty of packets of crisps – we predict this scandal isn't going away anytime soon.
With parliament all but out for the summer, it looks like the Olympics will arrive just in time to ensure you meet your outrageous-scuffle daily requirements. Personally, we recommend a healthy dose of synchronised swimming and rhythmic gymnastics to fill in for the political competition withdrawal.
Best of luck.