Political Week on Twitter: March 5th – 9th
George Galloway, the NHS reforms, gay marriage, and women's issues were all in the news this week. So not a week for contentious topics then…
Compiled by Oliver Hotham
Everyone's favourite firebrand socialist, anti-imperialist, and cat impersonator George Galloway announced he'll be running in the Bradford West by-election.
Looks like George Galloway hasn't decided where he's running for parliament. The choices are Bradford West or Damascus North.
Featured BASC given permission to bring judicial review of Defra decision![]()
Featured Concern over doctors’ health needs as legislation to regulate PAs and AAs introduced![]()
— Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) March 6, 2012
Anyone in Bradford that votes for George Galloway should seek help, George cares nothing for Bradford just himself
— Anthony Brown (@dab1964) March 7, 2012
I see @torcuil has spotted that George Galloway is in Bradford West today, testing water of 5k Lab maj. Maybe he can't resist
— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) March 6, 2012
The government's plans to legalise gay marriage returned to the spotlight, with Cardinal Keith O'Brien, head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, comparing the plans to "slavery", which his church was thoroughly opposed to, of course.
It's easy to bully Christians, but what happens when Imams start refusing to perform gay weddings? Good Qfrom @Nero bit.ly/ztUcEA
— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) March 8, 2012
I hope Cardinal O'Brien is aware that his comparison of gay marriage to slavery reeks of sex
— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) March 4, 2012
Striking how virtually everybody opposed to gay marriage appears to be a bishop. Not much of a debate, this.
— Hugo Rifkind (@hugorifkind) March 5, 2012
To highlight the absurdity that we're still even debating gay marriage, all TV debates shd use Alan Partridge pronunciation of "gay man"
— Oliver Burkeman (@oliverburkeman) March 9, 2012
The debate over the controversial health and social care bill continued this week, but much of the criticism directed at Cameron and Clegg, Lansley had "mysteriously disappeared".
Tory cuts so far, 17,000 Army, 11,000 Navy, 5,000 RAF, 56,000 NHS, 16,000 Police, 710,000 Public Sector,1,700 Remploy, 0 Bankers #votetory
— Dave Camoron (@EtonOldBoys) March 8, 2012
government have apparently lost their appeal to hide the NHS risk register. your job is now to report it un-shrill-ly.
— ben goldacre (@bengoldacre) March 9, 2012
"I have to admit I have a soft spot for Nick Clegg – face down in a bowl of custard" Jo Brand, a comedian, speaking at NHS rally.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) March 7, 2012
In light of International Women's Day, it was announced that new European laws could make wolf-whistling illegal. The prime minister was said to have told them to "calm down, dear".
Why's it even called 'wolf-whistling'? 'Prick-piping' that's what they should call it.
— James Henry (@james_blue_cat) March 9, 2012
Genuine Daily Mail opinion piece headline: "You want to ban men from wolf-whistling? That's a cute idea, sweetheart"
— RopesToInfinity (@RopesToInfinity) March 9, 2012
Was asked to stand up for 'wolf whistling' on the radio but I didn't because I've had so much street harassment. My name is tongue in cheek!
— Amy (@wolfwhistle) March 9, 2012