The Political Week on Twitter Jan 29th – Feb 3rd
All the week's best political tweets in one handy location.
Tweets selected by Ian Dunt Follow @IanDunt
Huhne steps down
The biggest story of the week came when Chris Huhne stepped down, following charges of perverting the course of justice. The former energy secretary is accused of swapping his points for a driving reprimand onto his wife's licence. He was replaced by Ed Davey.

@RupertMyers – Chris Huhne's wife is to replace John Terry as England Captain – she's apparently very good at taking penalties
@paulwaugh – Huhne speeding D-Day. I still love the fact that Aussie slang for a fast driver is…. 'a hoon'
@GeorgeMonbiot – With #Huhne gone, #climatechangedeniers in Coalition will be emboldened. Kind of ironic that it's about speeding.
@iainmartin1 – Good grief on some of the Chris Huhne tweets doing the rounds. Proceedings now active, a summons issued. Contempt of court applies.
@campbellclaret – I expect Nick Robinson to replace Chris Huhne and Ed Davey to move to BBC political editor
@MichaelLCrick – Tomorrow morning's stake-outs of Chris Huhne may stretch all us broadcasters' resources, even the BBC. He's got so many houses.
@wordsmithward – Criminal minister, vengeful ex-wife, speeding tickets. Good old politics #Huhne
Good week for Ed
Ed Miliband's speech on 'one nation banking' was wiped off the news agenda by the Huhne story, but apart from that he enjoyed a good week, making Stephen Hester back down on his bonus, torturing David Cameron on his 'phantom veto' and winning PMQS in the eyes of many pundits.
@j_freedland – Even Ed M's enemies will have to admit it: Hester no-bonus was a Labour victory. Exactly what oppositions should do
@frasernels – Hate to say it, but it was Labour wot stopped Hester's bonus. Its threat of Commons vote was more powerful a tool than any at gvt's disposal
@labourpress – Ed Miliband: "With this PM, a veto is not for life, it's just for Christmas"
@Nigel_Farage – Ed is using my 'phantom veto' line. If he doesn't credit me I may charge him a royalties fee.
@adambanksdotcom – Having basked in domestic approval post EU veto tantrum, Cameron quietly puts toys back in pram
@IainDale – Not often I say this, but that was a clear 'win' for Ed Miliband at PMQs. Best performance for some considerable time.
@afneil – First time I've seen E Miliband enjoy himself at despatch box.
Fred Shredded
Former RBS boss Fred Goodwin went from Sir Fred to plain old Mr Goodwin after his knighthood for services to banking was taken away.
@TwopTwips – FRED GOODWIN. Have the last laugh by donating a couple of million to the Tory party and receiving a life peerage. (via@rocious_puns)
@jonsnowC4 – Honours Forfeiture Committe gave Fred Goodwin clean bill of health 2008 (AFTER RBS Crashed) Yeaterday after PM intervention he was stripped.
@lizstep – Fred #Goodwin is no longer a knight. This may have no effect on banking but it's scuppered his ability to jump over a bishop.
@alanbeattie – Fred Goodwin shd have choice: either ditch knighthood or keep but have to wear dunce's cap in public at all times. See how much he wants it.
@Its_Death – So Sir Fred's massive pension payments will now be addressed to Mr. Goodwin. Ooh. Yeah. That'll show him.
@GuidoFawkes – Very amusing that a dozen tweeting political hacks are all claiming an exclusive on Mr Fred Goodwin.