Josh Self

Josh Self is Editor of

You can follow him on Twitter here.


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Rishi Sunak
Did Sunak help seal Sturgeon’s fate?

Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation on Wednesday has elicited a series of theories about how the high-riding, poll-topping first minister was brought before Bute House to announce her abdication.  An exhaustive post-mortem is well underway, with supporters and political foes alike proffering their assessment of the rights and wrongs of Sturgeon’s political dynasty. The prevailing reading is… Read more »

News Feature
Keir Starmer has finally found his ‘Clause IV moment’

When Sir Keir Starmer left his podium in east London yesterday, having announced that his predecessor would never again be allowed to stand as a Labour MP, gone was any pretence of Labour’s affinity with the Corbyn project. It was a moment of high symbolism; a deeply serious yet carefully choreographed act of political theatre. … Read more »