British Humanist Association: “The Papal Visit should not be a State Visit”

Wednesday 1st September at 7pm
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

As the papal visit to the UK approaches, a public debate will be held next week between those who support the Pope’s visit and those who oppose it. It promises to be a controversial start to the run up to the Pope’s arrival on 16 September.
Human rights activist Peter Tatchell and philosopher AC Grayling will line up against Catholic journalist Austen Ivereigh and Fr. Christopher Jamison to debate the question “The Papal Visit should not be a State Visit”. Polly Toynbee the renowned Guardian columnist will be chairing what promises to be a lively debate.

Alan Palmer, Chair of the Central London Humanists said, ‘We know that many people are angry that the State Visit of Pope Benedict XVI is going to cost the UK taxpayer a lot of money. Some wonder whether in the current economic circumstances we should be spending millions of pounds to provide a state platform for a religious leader who has already criticised our legislation and condemned the way we organise our society.

‘Our criticism of this State visit is not an attack on Catholics or on the rights of people to follow their religion. We want to give people the opportunity to debate the issue. Clearly many of our supporters are very unhappy with some of the statements made by the Pope in the name of the Catholic Church and Vatican State. This adds to the dismay many feel at our government honouring a Pope whose pronouncements fly in the face of the human rights that we support. Of course there is also considerable disquiet about the way the Church and this Pope have handled the question of child abuse.

‘Central London Humanists champion the idea of an open society and freedom of speech. We genuinely want to hear the arguments in favour of the State visit. We welcome everyone whatever their political conviction or their religion or belief to explore the issues and participate in the debate.’

Media are encouraged to attend. Facilities will be available for video and audio recording.
Camera crews will need to seek formal approval from Conway Hall – – and pick up any technical considerations with them.

Spokespeople from the CLHG, BHA and the Protest the Pope coalition will be available for interview.

For media enquiries:
Alan Palmer, Chairman, Central London Humanist Group – 07730 973256
Marco Tranchino, Coordinator, Protest the Pope Campaign –
Andrew Copson, Chief Executive, British Humanist Association – 07534 248 596
Pepper Harow, Campaigns Officer, British Humanist Association – 02074624992

The debate – part of a series of events by the Protest the Pope Campaign – will take place at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL on Wednesday 1 September 2010 starting at 7pm, doors open 6.30pm. This is a free event.

The debate is being organised by the Central London Humanist Group in partnership with the British Humanist Association and the South Place Ethical Society.

About the Central London Humanist Group:
The Central London Humanist Group is affiliated to the British Humanist Association and provides a meeting place for the non religious, particularly those who live or work in the Central London area.

For more information about the organisations involved in this event:
Central London Humanist Group
British Humanist Association
South Place Ethical Society
Protest the Pope Campaign