Top brass face MoD cuts
By staff
Admirals, generals and air marshals are among senior staff at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) who can expect their marching orders in the coming strategic defence review.
The department’s defence green paper, published yesterday lunchtime, outlines major reviews of the way the MoD is managed.
“We will look again at the senior structures and relationships within and between head office, the three services and the other major areas of defence, and the scope to reap further dividends from strengthening the joint approach.”
Media reports in the wake of the green paper have emphasised reductions in London, including the number of civilians employed.
Shadow defence secretary Liam Fox has repeatedly questioned the top-heavy management structures within the MoD, meaning a Tory government is unlikely to reverse the green paper’s recommendations.
An independent review being led by Gerry Grimstone assessing the relationship between civilian and military personnel is likely to have a major influence, however.