Greenpeace reaction to Boris Johnson’s PMQs comments about a windfall tax on oil and gas companies

Reacting to Boris Johnson comments about a windfall tax on oil and gas companies, Dr Doug Parr, policy director at Greenpeace UK said:

The Prime Minister seems to have swallowed the oil and gas lobby’s bogus hype. He’s providing cover for big companies to pay out huge sums to shareholders from their massive profits whilst the public are left feeling the pinch. More oil and gas from the North Sea won’t change that – it will be sold to the highest bidder, may not even be used in UK, and will worsen the climate crisis already being felt around the world. Far from transitioning to cleaner fuels, the vast majority of the investments from these companies are about ploughing forward with fossil fuels, locking us into this volatile market when we should be moving towards climate friendly solutions like renewable energy, heat pumps, energy storage and home insulation.